June 05, 2019 • Car Insurance

Get and Compare Motor Quotes In 5 Easy Steps!

Get A Motor Quote In 5 Easy Steps

Let’s GO!

Picture this, the time to renew your motor insurance policy is fast approaching, you set aside your lunch time, head on down to your broker and try to get a quote for a policy that works for you.


Think of the hassle to get a motor quote as a thing of the past! Here’s how MIBinsure.com can help you get a quote in 5 easy stages: First, hop online to ‘www.MIBinsure.com’ and take the first step to ‘Get a Quick Quote’.

1. Vehicle Details

Fill out your vehicle and coverage details- provide a few quick facts about your new or ol’ faithful, this stage should be a breeze. The next step requires a few details about the driver, fill out all the categories to get to the next page.

2. Details of Insured and Driver

The minor details required for this section are mainly based on the insured and actually provides users the option to ‘add a driver’ if the owner is not the only individual expected to be operating the vehicle. Continue to the next section if you love discounts!

3. Discounts

MIBinsure actually offers users discounts for having a tracking device, years of ‘No Claims Discount’ if you have a home owner’s policy and a few others. We know this section will probably be your favourite! Don’t get too caught up in deals and discounts though, after this comes the fun part!

4. Price Comparison

At this point, users finally receive their lowest quote! If you’re not satisfied or just want to shop around, you can go ahead and compare quotes from other insurance providers. It’s like brokerage gone digital!

Last but not least, you can learn a little more about the value you’ll be getting for your money from the policies you select.

5. Coverage and Benefit Comparison! Now you can have even more fun comparing quotes! Pick the three policies with the best coverage that works for you and have prices and benefits compared side by side with just a click of the finger! Don’t worry, you don’t have to necessarily compare the quote that was given to you initially, unless of course you want to.

The purpose of MIBinsure is to allow users to get and compare quotes from different insurance providers online, without hassle! Give it a try and let us know what you think!

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